The 2024 edition of the SPAC conference will host its usual lead conferences among many other convenings; it will host the Third Biennial Africa Climate Smart Agriculture Conference; the Knowledge Management for Agricultural Development (KM4AgD) conference, the AU-EU Horizon
Europe partnership projects coordinated by FARA viz., CEAFIRST and StEPFoS, a workshop on advancing the application of foresight in African agriculture and a reflection workshop on the AfDB-supported Technologies for African Agriculture (TAAT) programme, plus several others.
The joint conference will provide the opportunity to leverage the participation of high-level individuals in Africa and European agriculture to jointly address pertinent emerging issues affecting the continent. The four conferences and their constituents will provide important technical and policy information from different engagements.
The Biennial Africa CSA conference will give the opportunity to take stewardship of the CSA actions especially the spate of technology generation and a foresight analysis of the plausible futures. The conference will host the continental dialogue on the Africa Climate Smart Framework (ACSAF); ACSAF is developed to respond to and plan the implementation of the AU-developed Africa Climate Change Strategy. The ACSAF dialogue also provides the opportunity to prepare adequately for CoP27 in Egypt. The conference will also host a side event for stakeholders’ consultation towards the development of the Soil Initiative for Africa (SIA). There will also be a side event that will host the meeting of the High-Level Technical Think-Tank set out to respond to emerging technological issues in African agriculture. The various side event will generate outputs that will flow into the conference outputs
The Knowledge Management for
Agricultural Development (KM4AgD)
is an activity of the CAADP-XP4
organizations. The KM4AgD
Challenge & Conference is an
annual event that seeks to build
appropriate capacities, establish
communities of practice for
Knowledge Management and
strengthen the knowledge
ecosystem to accelerate the
achievement of the CAADP Malabo
goals by 2025 and the SDGs by
The Challenge is implemented
through an integrated, strategic,
educational, and transformational
approach. It aims to strengthen the
capacity of the knowledge
management experts and run an
investiture of new experts.
Accelerating food system transformation requires the scaling of technologies as well as generating new ones to improve the productivity and resilience of the system. The 2024 will bring together stakeholders from the Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT) program and the broader food system actors to develop strategies for scaling transformative technologies in the context of the post-Malabo process. The conference will engage with the Africa Foresight community of practice for learning.
The sub-theme for the P&P Conference is ‘Scaling Research and Innovation Outcomes in AR4D-Coherent Policies and Partnerships Matter’. This conference will offer a unique space, for the exchange of experiences and explore ways to improve the food system in Africa through coherent policies and effective partnerships. Side events will provide platforms to discuss and explore how coherent policies and effective partnerships would provide the needed support to improve the food systems through AR4D. It will identify gaps in policy formulation and implementation as and the challenges to the formation of effective partnerships that need to be addressed for improved AR4D policies and interventions.
DeSIRA Connect initiative aims to contribute to climate-relevant, productive, and sustainable transformation of agriculture and food systems in low and middle-income countries. The conference will bring the different projects implemented in Africa together to share success stories and exchange knowledge. It will foster the joint development of policy outputs as well as the development of communication strategies.
This workshop will convene key experts in Africa to review the SIA, AFSH-AP and Africa fertilizer and soil health declaration to develop the companion documents that will inform a clear understanding of the documents and the actions to be taking at the different levels to implement the actions
Minister of Agriculture and Animal Resources, Rwanda
Commissioner for the Department of Agriculture AUC
H.E. Josefa Leonel Correia Sacko is the Commissioner fo the Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Econobilingualtainable Development (AUC-DARBE)., an Angola national; Mrs. Sacko was previously the special adviser to the Minister of agriculture, assigned with the responsibility of advising on issues related to international cooperation, Climate Change, food Security, Eradication of Hunger, and Poverty Reduction. She was also the former Secretary General of the Inter African Coffee Organization (IACO) for 13 years in Cote D’Ivoire where she oversaw the coffee economy of 25 African Coffee producing countries. During her tenure, she successfully advocated for the empowerment of small-scale coffee farmers across the continent by setting up Regional Centres of Excellence for Capacity Building of Member States, on Genetic Material Conservation, Coffee Quality Improvement, and Cup Tasting Liquor in Cote d’Ivoire, Uganda, Cameroon, and Zambia. adam Sacko has built up her international profile and reputation by either consulting or working with several Regional, and Global Institutional on Agriculture including the World Trade Organization (WTO), African Union (AU), International Coffee Organization (ICO), African Development Bank (AfDB), African Eexport-ImportBank (AFREXIMBANK), (FAO), UNECA, NEPAD ,etc
Minister of Agriculture and Animal Resources, Sierra Leone
Assistant Director General (ADG) of the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) Africa
Abebe Haile-Gabriel is the Assistant Director General (ADG) of the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) Africa. The ADG holds a Doctorate and a Master of Arts degree in Agricultural and Rural Development from the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) at The Hague, the Netherlands. He earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Agricultural Economics from the Alemaya (now Haramaya University) the University of Agriculture in Ethiopia where he taught between 1986 till 2005.
He worked as a senior manager at the African Union Commission (AUC), he engaged with crucial stakeholders and partners ranging from government officials to civil society organizations, the private sector, farmers, etc. He served as Director of the Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture based at the AU Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Haile-Gabriel joined FAO in 2015 as Deputy Regional Representative for Africa and Representative to Ghana. He was also the Regional Program Leader for Africa since 2017.
Regional Director, Continental Africa, CGIAR, and Director General of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
Chairperson of the FARA Board of Directors
Chairperson of the FARA Board of Directors
Executive Director - FARA
is the Executive Director at the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA). He holds a BSc in Surveying and Photogrammetry, plus MSc (ITC, The Netherlands) and Ph.D. degrees in Geomatics specializing in GIS and Remote Sensing (University of Melbourne, Australia). Dr. Agumya has 25 years professional experience, His work at the World Agroforestry Centre and at the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa spans the entire African continent. Over the past years, Dr. Agumya’ s interest has been focused on the deployment of spatial tools in development work towards improving food security, incomes, and resilience to climate change-induced shocks.
Executive Director, Knowledge for Development Partnership
Executive Director, K4DP Knowledge for Development Partnership; Managing Director of Knowledge Management Austria and global Chairman of the network. Advisor to companies, governments, NGOs, and International Organisations in the development of KM Strategies; Initiator of the Knowledge for Development Challenges. Founder and Director of the School of Knowledge Sciences; Director at Joint Centre for Knowledge Sciences at International University of Management, Namibia; Director at Knowledge for Development Centre at Makerere University Business School, Uganda.
Consultant & Former Knowledge Management Expert, International Livestock Research Institute
Knowledge Management, Digitalization & Learning Cluster Lead Specialist, Facilitator
Mr. Benjamin Abugri is a Certified Knowledge Manager and the Knowledge Management, Learning & Communications Lead Specialist at the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA), an apex continental organisation for the Africa Union Commission responsible for coordinating and advocating for Agricultural Research and Development. He is leading the observatory for Africa Agricultural initiative and a initiator of the Knowledge Management for Agricultural Development (KM4AgD) Challenge, and convener of the annual Africa Agricultural Knowledge Management Conference. He has vast experience in Knowledge Management, partnerships, outreach, networking, coordination, Project Management and Community Engagement. Before joining FARA in February 2017 he served as KM Manager for USAID Ghana Programmes implemented by the University Research Company and the John Snow Health Research Institute, and World Vision International. He has an academic background in Education, Accountant, M&E, Strategic & Project management and Knowledge Management. He is currently a PhD Candidate in Public Administration and Policy Management and has authored/co-authored several publications, including a Continental Data Capture Strategy for Africa, a practical guide for KM Practitioners. Benjamin is a member of several KM communities and serves on the board of the Knowledge for Development Partnership (K4DP) and the Ghana Council for Scientific Research (CSIR) Institute for Scientific and Technological Information of the Government of Ghana.
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Information & Knowledge Officer at CCARDESA
Information & Knowledge Management Officer at CCARDESA Secretariat (SADC)
Julius Bizimungu is a communications consultant, content creator, host, moderator, and professional journalist based in Kigali, Rwanda.
He has worked with corporate companies, organizations and individuals, helping them to achieve their communications and public relations goals including content creation, message development, drafting and implementing communications and campaign strategies and action plans, as well as managing media relations.
Julius has consulted with companies and organizations such as Prime Energy Plc, Bank of Kigali, Transparency International, Sight and Life, Kilimo Trust, FARA, IFAD, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, RBM Partnership to End Malaria, Bitega & Omisore Associates, Cordaid Rwanda, just to mention but a few.
Phone: +233 302 744888